
The mind is like a parachute. If it doesn't open, you're meat.

Published author...sort of

26 Jun 2019

In the past year a group of Zühlke coleagues led by Christian Abegg and Peter Gfader put together a collection of articles about things we consider important with the aim of publishing them as a book.

That book is finally out!

The official blurb is

In «Machines – Code – People» readers learn about best practices, cultural philosophies, great ideas and practically proven concepts. In 50 short articles Zühlke engineers share what they are passionate about. You will find many useful tips from various areas of today’s tech industry. The range of topics covered includes the latest technical developments as well as collaboration topics and individual values and techniques.

You can buy the dead tree version on Amazon, you can browse it for free online or download one of the e-book versions

I consider this a 70% step to crossing “be a published author” off the bucket list.

I am especially proud, not just because of my article in the book (it is an edited version of the build rules post in this blog) but because I came up with a title the rest of the company found cool.

Taken verbatim from our internal discussion when deciding on the title:

It alludes (admittedly over-simplified, but what do you expect from a title) to the course Zuehlke has taken over the 50 years of its history: From building machines and electronics, to adding software and processes (code), innovation and business consulting which is ultimately people.

It also works as the three things we do best (if you put the people in the context of working with the machines and code ;) ).